ZZ Plant - Zamioculcas Zamiifolia

The ZZ Plant competes with Pothos(LINK) for the hardest house plant to kill. They are great for the neglectful plant owner as they can go months without water. This is possible because of the potato-like rhizomes, which hold in water. This makes sense being that they are native to Africa. They like low to moderate light and very low humidity. They are also known for being great air purifiers. The best way to create more plants is by division. There are two common varieties, the ZZ Plant and the Raven ZZ Plant. The Raven ZZ gets its name from the black leaves it develops. New leaves will appear green at first but darken over time.

Plant Care Quick Guide

Care Level Novice
Light Low to moderate
Water Needs Low
Humidity Low
Toxicity Mildly toxic
Propagation Method Division
Growth Type Grow upright