About The Project

Since my fascination for botany began I have wanted to combine that passion with my technical skills. My web conservatory was my first foot in the door. This project serves several purposes. As my house plant collection has grown I have found a need to showcase, catalog, and manage my houseplants. After hours of research into botany in conjunction with my personal experience, I have created a profile for each of my house plants. Every profile contains key care information such as watering, light, and humidity. The profiles also share interesting information on toxicity, expected growth, and the plant's origins. While the website acts as an online catalog it also doubles as a plant identification system. Each of my house plants has an identification tag containing a QR code. When friends or family have questions about a house plant or possibly want one themself, they simply scan the tag, and the plant profile is presented.

The technical architecture behind the sites implements a CI/CD pipeline from my GitHub repo to an S3 bucket. The architecture behind the website is rather simple, as showcased in the diagram below. The simplistic architecture is by design as it allows for straightforward support and modifications. The code behind the project is a blend of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Although this website is currently static, behind the scenes it is getting a makeover. I am in the process of adding each plant profile to a DynamoDB instance. I have created a lambda function to query the DB which can be called through an API gateway. Once I have added all plant profiles to the DynamoDB instance I will rewrite the code to pull from the API on page load. While the cloud architecture, website, and QR are nothing groundbreaking in terms of computing, what I would like to focus on is the application of the technology. Having the option to pull up a plant profile with a click of a button makes accessing information simple and easy. This is what I find as the most important part of the project. Technology is only as powerful as how you choose to use it. Using technology to help others learn is where my passions truly lie!