Thanksgiving Cactus - Schlumbergera Truncata

The Schlumbergera cactus species is named after the season where they produce their blooms. The most common varieties are the Christmas Cactus, the Thanksgiving Cactus, and the Easter Cactus. Outside of when the plant blooms, you can tell which variety of cactus you have by the shape of the leaves. Below is a graphic from the University of Iowa that may help identify your cactus variety. The Thanksgiving Cactus is native to the tropics of Brazil. This may seem odd since the majority of cacti are not found in tropical regions. That is because the Thanksgiving Cactus is not your typical cactus. Similar to the Air Plant, they grow on tree bark and branches. The Holiday Cactus is known for its beautiful blooms. My thanksgiving cactus was gifted to me by someone who has had the plant in the family for over 30 years.

Plant Care Quick Guide

Care Level Novice
Light Partial shade
Water Needs Moderate
Humidity Medium
Toxicity Low toxicity
Propagation Method Stem cutting
Growth Type Upright