Pony Tail Palm - Nolina Recurvata

The Ponytail palm is named after the curly foliage that resembles a ponytail. These plants grow from a bulb that turns into a sleek trunk, similar to a tree. Despite the name and appearance, it is a succulent, not a palm. The Ponytail Palm is an easy plant to care for. It has low water and humidity needs so it is best to let the soil dry completely between waterings. They prefer bright indirect light but can survive lower light settings. This plant is native to Mexico and is mainly found in the state of Veracruz. They propagate by growing offsets or pups. They are also known to be pet-friendly.

Plant Care Quick Guide

Care Level Novice
Light Bright, but indirect light
Water Needs Low
Humidity Low
Toxicity Pet Friendly
Propagation Method Offsets
Growth Type Slow, upright grower