Watermelon Peperomia - Peperomia Argyreia

The Watermelon Peperomia gets its nickname from the silver patterns on the leaf, resembling a watermelon rind. These plants need a green thumb because of how prone they are to root rot and susceptible to damage from low temperatures. Root rot primarily stems from overwatering so always use well-draining soil with these plants to help prevent this issue. They prefer bright indirect light and low humidity. They propagate nicely through stem cuttings. They grow in clumping patterns and remain relatively short. They are also pet-friendly so they make a great tabletop plant.

Plant Care Quick Guide

Care Level Green Thumb
Light Bright, but indirect
Water Needs Moderate
Humidity Low
Toxicity Pet Friendly
Propagation Method Stem Cutting
Growth Type Clumping and remains short