Zebra Cactus - Haworthia Attentuata

Despite its misleading nickname, the Zebra Cactus is a succulent. However, the zebra aspect of the name stems from the plant's white stripes. Haworthia is a very slow grower and typically only reaches a height of 8 inches. Personally, my Zebra Cactus makes it home on my desk, directly in front of the window. This plant is native to South Africa so it prefers full sun, infrequent waterings, and no humidity. As the plant grows pups will form on the surroundings of the plant, you can easily replant those to propagate the plant. This plant is also pet-friendly!

Plant Care Quick Guide

Care Level Novice
Light Full sun
Water Needs Low
Humidity No humidity is best
Toxicity Toxic
Propagation Method Offsets
Growth Type Clumping