Florida Beauty - Dracaena Surculosa

The Florida Beauty is sometimes known as the Gold Dust Plant, for its gold spotted variegation. This plant does best with bright, but indirect light. The variegation where it earns its namesake becomes more prominent with more light exposure. Despite its nickname, it is native to the tropics of Africa. This makes sense as it has moderate watering needs and high humidity. The easiest way to provide extra humidity is to line the plant tray with pebbles and provide regular mistings. If you care for this plant properly you may receive some beautiful blooms. It tends to grow in tight clumps and remains relatively short, which makes it a great tabletop plant.

Plant Care Quick Guide

Care Level Novice
Light Bright, but indirect light
Water Needs Moderate
Humidity High
Toxicity Toxic
Propagation Method Division or stem cutting
Growth Type Upright