Brain Cactus - Mammillaria Elongata

The Brain Cactus is named after its sinuous growth. The reason the brain shape happens is because of damage the plant sustained when young. Where the plant heals itself, cells will multiply much faster. The uneven growth speeds will cause the plant to bunch upon itself. So while plants may look like this in nature, they are typically manipulated in cultivation to induce this growth pattern. As this plant matures it typically sends out offsets, which is how it propagates. These plants are rather small and grow slowly. It is best to keep the cactus in very low humidity and full sun. This mimics these plants' native environment, Central Mexico. These cacti are toxic and bare small spines so keep them out of reach of small paws and hands.

Plant Care Quick Guide

Care Level Novice
Light Partial shade
Water Needs Low
Humidity Low
Toxicity Toxic
Propagation Method Offsets
Growth Type Short, upright growth